Hi everyone...thanks for all of your wishes for a good trip to see my Mom. We had a wonderful time together.
I have a very sweet story to tell you about her cat, Crackers. Over a month ago my Mom was driving Crackers to the Vet for a check-up...but when she stopped for gas he somehow got out of his box, jumped out the window of the car and ran away. My Mom was heartbroken. She posted "lost cat" signs all over town and hoped someone would call...but he was miles from home and after three weeks, she had lost hope of finding him again.
I returned from a walk one morning while I was there, came in the house...and my mom had an astonished look on her face. She asked me if I believed in miracles because there on the back porch...sat Crackers. Poor baby was tired and thin but he had found his way home. The sweetest part is that he came home on my Mom's birthday. What a wonderful gift he gave her that day!
So hope you're all doing well out there. I'm taking a little more time before I delve back into work...but I'll be back soon. Looking forward to catching up on your blogs and what you've been up to! xox
I have a very sweet story to tell you about her cat, Crackers. Over a month ago my Mom was driving Crackers to the Vet for a check-up...but when she stopped for gas he somehow got out of his box, jumped out the window of the car and ran away. My Mom was heartbroken. She posted "lost cat" signs all over town and hoped someone would call...but he was miles from home and after three weeks, she had lost hope of finding him again.
I returned from a walk one morning while I was there, came in the house...and my mom had an astonished look on her face. She asked me if I believed in miracles because there on the back porch...sat Crackers. Poor baby was tired and thin but he had found his way home. The sweetest part is that he came home on my Mom's birthday. What a wonderful gift he gave her that day!
So hope you're all doing well out there. I'm taking a little more time before I delve back into work...but I'll be back soon. Looking forward to catching up on your blogs and what you've been up to! xox
I love this story!
Wow, and what a great reminder for all of us that travel with our pets...keep them crated. Crackers must be one very special kitty.
Aaah.....This needs to be in the Chicken Soup for Cat Lover's edition. Yay Crackers!
I'm so glad you had a good time on your trip.
Aren't animals amazing? Crackers must truly love your mom. That is just a perfectly heart-warming story. Thanks so much for sharing.
Here's a little P.S.
I've finally taken the plunge and changed my business name. I know you're super busy after your trip. But...when you have a spare moment, would you mind changing my link on your blog from Garden Painter Art to http://gerushiasnewworld.blogspot.com. ?
Gerushia's New World
(Formerly Garden Painter Art)
Hi Linda,
What a great story.
Yes, I believe in miracles.
Great gift for your Mum's birthday.
hi linda!
oh that is a miracle story! it made me smile and cry happy tears all at the same time!
thank you so much for sharing it.
melissa & emmitt
Hi Linda!!
Welcome back! I've heard stories like this before! I'm so glad it happened to your mom!! They both look so happy!
Hi Linda!!
Welcome back! I've heard stories like this before! I'm so glad it happened to your mom!! They both look so happy!
Oh my gosh Linda, this is just the coolest story! You made my day!
That's a beautiful story, Linda. I can only imagine what a thrill it was for your mom to get Crackers back. A very happy birthday indeed!
You have yourself a wonderful time with your mother!
xoxo Diane
Linda, welcome home...I've missed you while you were gone.
I'm so happy for your mom and for Crackers that she made it back home. I think that is an amazing and incredible story. I'm really blown away by it. It is the kind of story you hear in the news once in a while but you never know anyone it actually happens to. So thrilled this worked out for your mom.
Glad your trip was a good one.
Love the cat story. We had something similiar happen to us years ago. So yes I do believe in miracles. Glad you had a good visit with your mom
wow, so amazing,miracles do happen. I can only imagine the pain your mom went through before Crackers returned.
Linda, welcome home!!! What a fantastic story about your Mom and Crackers. I am so happy for your Mom!!!
What a wonderful story and a great birthday present.
I'm so HAPPY for your Mom and Crackers
Happy Birthday to her
welcome home Crackers
I know I'm late in commenting on this post....but what a awesome little story! That was just wonderful!
That is such a great story! I'm happy for your mom.
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