Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New and Blue

"Dream in Blue"
16" x 16" 
acrylic and collage on canvas
available for sale on Etsy    

Time is flying by and I have been a blog slacker! Seems like with Facebook, Twitter and Blogger...it's sometimes difficult to give full-attention to all three. Anyone else having that problem...or is it just me? :) Hmmm...new interface on Blogger too.

I'm presently working on a new large canvas painting but it's still building a personality. Hopefully, I can finish it this week to show you.

Hope you're doing well out there and enjoying the beginnings of Fall!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Linda,
"Dream in Blue" has a very 3 dimensional quality that appeals to me. Your new work is looking great.
I definitely have trouble keeping up my web presence. You aren't alone.