8" x 8" acrylic and collage on canvas
available for purchase in my Etsy Shop here
This is a painting I just finished today in my "Milk" series? Not sure I will really continue with this series (a big series of two now)...but I will probably do a few more variations. Call me strange, but I find painting a glass of milk very soothing and somewhat nourishing. You can find my first milk painting if you look on the Other Art page of my website, second row...fifth painting.

Yum! Linda! Your chocolate milk painting is delicious!
Miss Maisie makes a very pretty snow bunny! Give her a big hug from me and Emmitt!
Snow???? YUCK! (OK, we are under tornado warnings right now, like that is so much better.) Maisie looks so pretty, and I suddenly have this craving for a glass of chocolate milk!
I like the juxtaposition of abstract and still life. At first I thought you had collaged the glass of milk from a magazine. Very good! I have a Belgium /Dutch shepherd mix named Schatzi. She loves the snow.
I LOVE this piece, Linda! How you've managed to get all of that chocolately-goodness into a glass so that I can almost taste it is beyond me. You have such a talent, girl! And that snow? My goodness, no thank you! I'm looking forward to 90's this weekend!! Hugs, Shari
Miss Maise looks so sweet and beautiful as always. and snow. i love boulder; i look forward to exploring it more when we visit my daughter in May.
and i am tickled by your milk paintings, soothing yes, and chocolate milk, yummmmm!
Wow, more snow! Seattle had a tough winter too. Maisie looks so cute in the snow.
I can't believe it's snowing there Linda! It's 80 degrees here and I'm lovin' it!
Dear sweet Maisie. Just love her!
What a great painting, the glass of chocolate milk looks real!
Have a great weekend!
Wow, looks great...and Maisie is so cute, but you can keep the snow.
Love your chocolate milk painting Linda...for ideas, how about milk paintings with desserts, such as milk and cookies, milk and chocolate cake etc etc..you get the idea. : )
Snow!! Wow...although they say we may have a frost this weekend!! kijsa just picked up her new furry family member...she will post tonight!!
kari & kijsa
I hopey ou get some more spring like weather soon!
Maisie looks so sweet hanging out in the snow! :)
Have a great weekend Linda!
I guess Boulder and Austin have the same weatherman speechwriter :)
Got any favorite chocolate milk recipe....using acrylics? Tee hee
You are such a talented painter Linda!! - that glass of milk looks so realistic - I am blown away!
Thank you for your sweet comment about my book.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
chocolate milk........ mmmmm! Great painting!
I can tell you that from growing up in Canada I'm used to the snow at this time of year. I'm glad I don't have that anymore but Miss Maisie sure seems to love it!
Awesome new painting!
Also, I mention you on my post today commenting about black dog syndrome -- the fact that black dogs have a harder time finding a home -- in a feature about one L.A. photographer who is doing something about it. It's a very inspiring story especially this week after feeling overwhelmed about all the homeless and abused dogs.
Anyway, thanks for bringing the AP story to my attention.
Here is the link to the post on my blog...
I want chocolate milk now. :) Your art is lovely and very inspiring! I will be back here for sure. :)
Make that a hot chocolate please, since it is snowing :)
Quite realistic looking milk. I was a "yoo-hoo" and sour onion fanatic myself,in my early teens,ick the combo huh? Sweet doggie face too,dear girl that she is.
That Maisie is something else! I was pretty happy to leave the snow. I do wish we could have come up to Boulder to see you, but I just needed to leave.
I clicked through to your still life paintings and the overall effect of all those thumbnails is so bright and yummy. Comparing that landing page to the pet gallery page I see so much more yellow, deep red & orange on the still life page ... but then duh, that is the color of fruit flesh after all. There is also a strong consistency in the two pages as well even though the subject matter varies. I often see you lean to cool grounds on the dogs, which tends to make them all that much more warm in tone, a smart choice. I am over-thinking it all today .... sorry. Linda your work is just great and the variety is very impressive. Thanks for the inner link reminder to your other work.
Drink more Ovaltine! We woke up the other day to snow also. Miss Maisie seems to be completely recovered.
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