"Pabst"Winner of the Petaluma Ugly Dog Contest 2009photo from SFGate.comOK...how can you call this guy "ugly"? I think he's got one of the cutest faces ever! (well, always except for Maisie of course). Pabst is the winner of this year's Petaluma, California's Ugly Dog Contest. You can read about this sweet guy right
here. Congrats Pabst!
On another note...I enjoyed
this column from Clay Evans of the Boulder Daily Camera the other day regarding whether art is a luxury in these tough economic times. Let me know what you think.
Hope you're having a great day out there. It's hot here!
Wow... Pabst's grandparents probably posed for the gray bulldog in the Tom and Jerry Cartoons. Thanks for sharing!
I saw this article about Pabst.... I too think he is adorable... so so cute!!
As for that article... interesting take.... however to me art is something that allows a person to vent their emotions... (especially in tough times) onto paper or canvas....its something beautiful to look at when one is feeling blue... and it allows your free spirit to soar.... so I have to disagree that its a luxury ...it is very important to give people/children the freedom to express themselves... an outlet so to speak.... I think if they took up art ...drawing ...painting instead of watching viloent tv shows or playing violent video games there would be less sadness in the world today
Great dog! You are right, he is stunning. There is a certain perfection in that dramatic under-bite.
Thanks for that article link, it was a very nice read. Art is more necessary now than ever. I am making and buying just as much art as ever this summer. New shoes, new clothes, dinner out, now those are luxuries. A luxury is something you can live without and art is not on that list for me.
Pabst is cute and ugly at the same time. Great dog!
I read the article about art and feel I need it now more than ever.
Enjoy your day, Linda.
Thanks for sharing the article! Art is a necessity.
Oh, no, you didn't! I saw this pups mug all over the Internet yesterday. 'Tis a face only a mother could love ;)
I think he's adorable! Have you seen Otis? My mom says he's so ugly he's cute.... i think he's misunderstood....lol!
hi linda!
OMG! How could you not LOVE that face! Great smile!
m & e
That is a fabulous face! I would kiss it if I could!
Have to disagree on this one....that is one mean and awful looking dog...I prefer fluffy big sweet looking dogs...I wouldn't pet this one if someone paid me money.....On a happier note have a great 4th. of July!!
Hi Linda, I loved the article as I think by the end, the author really came to understand that art is a needed and an important thing in this world. Next to plants, artwork that I purchase from fellow artists , is among my very favorite purchases.
The world has enough doctors and lawyers and the like, not that we don't need them but hey, we NEED artists. Especially when times are tough, one of the things that cheers me the most is looking at all the beautiful artwork I have purchased from other people.
I look at the portrait of little Dudley that you did for me, every day and I so appreciate it!! Even on the darkest days, when my spirits are low, it brings me joy. That is a quality that you just cannot measure.
he's got me shakin' in my shoes just a wee little bit:)
He IS cute.
On if art is a luxury...money is obviously tight for everyone right now, and I've been selling way more prints than originals. So at least there is a way to keep collecting and spend less.
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