Lots of pictures today and lots going on! As you know, James and I closed on our new house last Friday...so it was a busy weekend getting things ready for the movers, ordering new carpet and unloading the POD. We took Maisie there for the first time on Friday evening and she had a ball...sniffing every corner, meandering around her new territory and looking for any bunny she could find. She introduced us quickly to some of the neighbors by chasing a bunny into their backyard. Let's just say we are building a fence next week to keep this little pony in her corral!
James, Maisie and I on our first day as new owners!
Maisie and I in the doorway of my new studio
James in the wicked POD
Now in OTHER news...we have a new kid in town. Bungie became a proud part of the Saltz family (our wonderful neighbors across the street) a couple of weeks ago. He and Maisie made fast friends. Bungie was adopted from the
Boulder Human Society and is mostly American Bulldog we think...a beautiful brindle color just like Maisie. We are so sad that Maisie will have to move away from her friends, Bungie and Yoshi...but we are planning to stay very close with play dates. In fact, we're calling our new back yard, "Maisie's Dog Park". Lots of fun to come there!
Bungie and Maisie
Bungie with his human brother and sister, Ben and Julia SaltzHope you're all doing well out there. Thanks for all your well wishes about the move...I couldn't do it without you! xox
Hi Linda!
Congrats on your new home! It looks wonderful and so does your studio. Love the pics.
I'm glad to hear Maisie is having fun already at the new place chasing bunnies. Too bad she had to leave her very best friends, but I know you'll get them together often, and I'm sure she'll make some new friends too!
Enjoy your new home!
hi linda!
we LOVE your new house!
Addedyour other talents, you are an amazing tour guide. :)
Fred and I are so excited for you and Emmitt cannot wait to come over and check out the place!
m & e
Your new house looks beautiful Linda! Congrats!! I love the pic of Maisie and Bungie together..... too cute!
Wow...look at your studio...that plaque on the wall is so grand...I can't wait to see it after you make it your own...
Aaahhh, the POD! I think it's sparkling there in that photo. Maybe you can order one every now and then for dinner parties? Okay, I'm in a weird mood. Bungie and Masie are adorable together. Hugs, Shari
Love the pictures! Those pups are just adorable :) annnnd I want a studio too!
I am so excited for you guys! I hope you have tons of fun setting up your new studio. Be sure and indulge yourself by buying some new paints & supplies.
I laughed out loud when I saw the pic of Maisie and that bulldog!
I love your studio sign out front. That's there in case you forget, I guess. What a great looking family you have!!
looks so cool! can't wait to see more of it!
the photo of your two doggy friends is adorable, they look so happy! Your new home and studio looks so fun! Fences are a good thing! That was the first thing I had done when I moved into our house.
Yes, I'm with lizzyl - more please! Bungie is sweet.
Great photos. I love the design around the studio door and the plaque, so official!!! It will be fun to see how the studio shapes up with your own touches. Good luck. Now's the fun part.
Linda, many congratulations on your new house..it looks like a beauty and you and your husband look so happy standing in the front. Best wishes for happy and healthy years there together.
Nice that Maisie already found a friend. I also envy you and Melissa living close enough to take a class like that...you two are lucky.
I hope to see more house pics soon.
Congratulations Linda. I love your new home, it looks as if it's been plucked out of Tuscany.
Thanks for the well wishes... been sleeping a lot but each day gets a little less sore...
Thanks for the huggies from you and Maise... PJ sends her sloppy wet ones back to you
Looks like you are getting ready for the big move... how exciting and the studio... oh lucky girl you are !!
Would you when you have time explain encaustics to me? It looks quite interesting..
As for Bungie... reminds me somewhat of my Pepper... she was American Bull dog...
While I wont say have fun moving... becuase it never is... I will say have fun enjoying your new home!!
Welcome Home! Congratulations!! Your studio door is awesome. Look forward to more pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog too. Take care! Wendy
Great photos. Can't wait to see more of your new home + dog park.
Linda, your new home looks so wonderful. I am so happy for you!!! And Bungie - what a cutie!
Hi Linda! Wow, you've been up to lots o' stuff.
I love Maisie... awww...
You look great!
Nice to see you woman.
HUGE congrats on the new casa! let me know when you break in your new kitchen by baking a pie...or a cake ;) and yes, dogs do rule! xoxo
WOW nice studio you lucky umm dog?!
I love how your Studio sign matches the studio's external door surrounds!
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